webroutepy online with Winfy
We have hosted the application webroutepy in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about webroutepy:
Python script to build a html page with map, route and photos.It can create different routes:
- using a GPX file from your satellite navigation system.
- using Lon/Lat information
with or without connecting lines
The web-page can link to photos.
To get the work done use: Leaflet and Petazzoni's gpx reader.
Examples here:
http: //members.upc.nl/h.speksnijder4/routes/index.html
-Python 3
-Python-lxml (processing gpx data)
-Python-pillow (to make thumbnails)
-Leaflet available at https: //leafletjs.com
-gpx at https: //github.com/mpetazzoni/leaflet-gpx
NOTE: have to create a wiki to explain how to make good use of this tool.
- should work everwhere you have python3.
- simple script handling all complexities of html+leaflet+gpx
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