vcl js online with Winfy

We have hosted the application vcl js in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about vcl js:

A faster way to build enterprise app.
VCL.JS is a TypeScript open-source platform for building enterprise web apps in a fraction of the time, whether you’re an expert developer or just getting started.
for more information http: //

Friendly APIs help you get your job done faster.

//Simple dbgrid bounded to a query
import V = require("VCL/VCL");
export class PageHome extends V.TPage {
constructor() {

//create a backend query
var qur = new V.TQuery(this);
qur.SQL = "SELECT CustomerKey, FirstName, LastName FROM Customers";;

//create a grid on the screen
var grd = new V.TDBGrid(this, "grid");
grd.Dataset = qur; //bind the grid to the dataset
grd.PageSize = 15;

var col = grd.createColumn(“FirstName”);
var col = grd.createColumn(“Lastname”,”Last Name”);

  • Build database application in no time
  • Pure TypeScript
  • Visual Component Library- include Page,Grid,Input,Gauges,Charts and many more
  • Single page application
  • Data binding

Audience: Information Technology.
User interface: Web-based.
Programming Language: JavaScript.
Database Environment: ADO.NET.

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