trak viewpoints online with Winfy
We have hosted the application trak viewpoints in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about trak viewpoints:
The architecture viewpoints (specifications for architecture views iaw ISO 42010) for TRAK. TRAK is a general systems-thinkers'/system engineering enterprise architecture framework. It is simple, user-friendly, pragmatic and not limited to IT.Defines a total of 24 viewpoints. The ones needed for any task are selected by taking the task sponsor's concerns and matching them to the typical concerns that each TRAK viewpoint addresses.
The minimal process is defined in the overall TRAK specification (https: // The allowed elements and relationships are taken from the TRAK metamodel (https: //
- designed by systems engineers for others & based on need / typical application
- supports simple, pragmatic, no nonsense, just "good enough" way of addressing typical concerns (not populating a data model)
- defines each TRAK architect viewpoint
- viewpoints conform to ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010: 2011 for architecture description of systems
- viewpoints cover enterprise, concept, procurement, solution and management & everything from structure, behaviour, interchange to assurance, requirements and the architecture description task itself
- specification for each TRAK architecture view - content/ tuples from the TRAK metamodel (https: //
- defines naming convention
- defines stakeholder concerns addressed
- provides method for selecting viewpoints needed to address stakeholder concerns
- defines mandatory & optional architecture tuples for each view
- specifies minimum acceptable content for each view (well-formedness)
- defines consistency rules between views
- defines minimum allowed view sets so that elements can be found where you'd expect them to be
- designed to be used with the TRAK Overall (http: // & TRAK metamodel (http: // (available on sourceforge)
- MVp-04 assurance viewpoint based on Claim, Argument, Evidence - can be used for any assurance e.g. claim of design compliance with requirements
- SVp-13 Solution Risk viewpoint integrates description of safety and security (Threat/Hazard, Vulnerability, Mitigation) with that of the design itself
- implementations for Sparx EA, MooD, Visio and OmniGraffle for Mac / iPad on Sourceforge
- defines difference wrt MODAF 1.2
Audience: Aerospace, Government, Science/Research, End Users/Desktop, Engineering.
Enterprise, UML
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