the dictionary system online with Winfy

We have hosted the application the dictionary system in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about the dictionary system:

The application Dictionary System (DS) is a web application designed for creation of one-way bilingual dictionaries or encyclopaedias offering a working environment for creation of a dictionary and a web page which enables the general public to search in the dictionary. It is so-called DWS application (Dictionary Writing System) or DPS (Dictionary Production / Publishing System).

Aplikace Dictionary System (dále DS) je webová aplikace. Je to tzv. DWS aplikace (Dictionary Writing System) nebo také tvz. DPS (Dictionary Production/Publishing System). Aplikace Dictionary System nabízí pracovní prost?edí pro tvorbu jednosm?rných dvojjazy?ných slovník? nebo encyklopedií a webové stránky, které umož?ují vyhledávat ve slovníku široké ve?ejnosti.

  • bilingual dictionary development
  • printing and publishing in various formats - LaTex (and PDF), DSL (Abby Lingvo) (GoldenDict, Stardict)
  • team support
  • predefined set for Icelandic to any language dictionary
  • list of headwords, declension, conjugation, pronunciation etc.
  • full support for images, sounds, IPA transcription
  • detailed manual and online support
  • import from csv file
  • full unicode support

Audience: Education.
User interface: Web-based.
Programming Language: PHP, JavaScript.
Database Environment: MySQL.

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