the cognitive3d sdk for unreal online with Winfy

We have hosted the application the cognitive3d sdk for unreal in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about the cognitive3d sdk for unreal:

This SDK for Unreal provides analytics and insights about your project. In addition, Cognitive3D empowers you to take actions that will improve users' engagement with your experience. Ensure that the Analytics Blueprints Plugin is enabled. You can either enable it in the Plugins browser in the Unreal Editor or by modifying the project file. Close the Unreal Editor and re-open it through the Epic Games Launcher. You should be prompted to recompile your project and the cognitiveVR Plugin. If the plugin is loaded correctly, it should be visible in the Plugins window. You will need to have your Developer Key and Application Key from the Dashboard. You will also need to have Blender installed. Blender is free and open-source, we use this to automatically convert images exported from Unreal Engine.

  • This SDK supports both C++ and Blueprints
  • Tested on Vive and Oculus Rift on Windows 10
  • Tested with Unreal verion 4.19.2
  • Newer versions may require additional steps to integrate
  • Add a Start Session node to your level blueprint
  • Add a Player Tracker component to your Player Actor

Programming Language: C++.
Virtual Reality

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