tellmatic the newslettermachine online with Winfy
We have hosted the application tellmatic the newslettermachine in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about tellmatic the newslettermachine:
tellmatic is a php and mysql based newsletter script to create, manage and send personalized newsletters or mass mails. uses wysiwyg and has a form editor. adresses and newsletter are stored in unlimited groups. handle bouncemails and failed adresses.Features:
- Queued message sending via smtp and cron possible
- Summaries, detailed Statistics and Geo-Maps
- Import/Export
- Tracking via Link or Blindimage (use a logo as tracking image etc)
- Quality Checks, Syntax Checking, Check for duplicate entries
- Bounce-Mail Management
- Multiple SMTP-Servers
- Group unlimited amount of Addresses
- small formeditor to make individual subscribe forms for different groups of interest, Captcha Spamprotection, User defineable Errormessages, RegExpr possible to validate Input
- automagic bouncehandling and e-mail address validation
- Linkmanager
- View anonymous or personalized Newsletter online
- Blacklist (regex,email,domain)
Audience: Non-Profit Organizations, Information Technology, Customer Service, Telecommunications Industry, Advanced End Users, Management.
User interface: Web-based.
Programming Language: PHP, JavaScript.
Database Environment: Other API, MySQL, SQL-based.
Mailing List Servers, CRM, Site Management
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