strategystategenerator online with Winfy
We have hosted the application strategystategenerator in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about strategystategenerator:
New version 2.0.4 is available since April, 4th 2017=========================================
Please download from here:
https: //
The *Strategy/State Generator* creates Java Source Code for classes representing strategies of strategy pattern or states of state pattern in a half-automated way.
The *State Pattern* and the *Strategy Pattern* are from a technical view identical (see [Design Pattern](http: // Thus the ancestor project [Strategy Generator](https: // has been adapted as new project *Strategy/State Generator* to generate also *State Pattern* Java source code.
Please, note, that the API of this project and [Strategy Generator](https: // are similar but not identical. The structure is equal. However, the class and field method names
Audience: Developers, Quality Engineers, Architects.
Programming Language: Java.
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