passwordmanager online with Winfy
We have hosted the application passwordmanager in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about passwordmanager:
Password Manager is created mainly for my personal use. Memorizing lots of account is impossible, keeping on plain text is insecure. With a very simple gui and using AES encryption I solved my problem. You can group your accounts in a single file and multiple users can save their passwords in different files.version3.1
remove version checking that becomes annoying.
*Keyboard short cuts for menu items
*Configuration file, account form display time and time before asking the password again before displaying account form can be configured.
*Open Last open file menu item
*simple password manager icon
*password suggestion frame
*copy to clipboard buttons
*menu icons
version 2.1
*Version checker
version 2
*GUI changes
*Account window automatically shut down after 5 minutes
*bug fix description search
*user manual
version 1.1
*input boxes are changed to password boxes.
*link to latest release
*minor bug fix
- password Manager
- secure
- encryption
- java swing
- open source
Audience: End Users/Desktop.
User interface: Java Swing.
Programming Language: Java.
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