node redis online with Winfy
We have hosted the application node redis in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about node redis:
This library is a 1 to 1 mapping of the Redis commands. Each Redis command is exposed as a function on the client object. All functions take either an args Array plus optional callback Function or a variable number of individual arguments followed by an optional callback. Node Redis currently doesn't natively support promises (this is coming in v4), however you can wrap the methods you want to use with promises using the built-in Node.js util.promisify method on Node.js >= v8. Care should be taken with user input if arrays are possible (via body-parser, query string or other method), as single arguments could be unintentionally interpreted as multiple args. Minimal parsing is done on the replies. Commands that return a integer return JavaScript Numbers, arrays return JavaScript Array. HGETALL returns an Object keyed by the hash keys. All strings will either be returned as string or as buffer depending on your setting.Features:
- This library is a 1 to 1 mapping of the Redis commands
- Most Redis commands take a single String or an Array of Strings as arguments, and replies are sent back as a single String or an Array of Strings
- When a client issues a SUBSCRIBE or PSUBSCRIBE, that connection is put into a "subscriber" mode
- If you need to send regular commands to Redis while in subscriber mode, just open another connection with a new client
- If your code contains an syntax error an EXECABORT error is going to be thrown and all commands are going to be aborted
- In addition to adding commands to the MULTI queue individually, you can also pass an array of commands and arguments to the constructor
Programming Language: JavaScript.
Application Servers, Redis Clients
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