lockheed mac 16 mini emulator online with Winfy

We have hosted the application lockheed mac 16 mini emulator in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about lockheed mac 16 mini emulator:

My first java program is an attempt to relive the days I spent maintaining a Lockheed Electronics Company minicomputer installation in an old electricity generating station.
I had a little bit to do with this machine around 1978. There was two of them in a failover configuration with the standby machine available for program and data development.
My goal is to get the development package called DEVSYS to run from a paper tape image that I have hung onto for all these years. The program has a co-resident line editor and assembler but has no real purpose for me after that is running.

  • B bootstrap, loads the PaperTapeLoader program into memory
  • C copying redistribution rights
  • E examine, dumps a 128 block of words with ASCII
  • G go, executes the emulator
  • L load, reads a file in bootstrap format
  • M memory change, for typing in 16bit words into memory
  • O opcode display, 16 words of memory with opcodes
  • P punch, writes to a file in paper tape bootstrap format
  • R read dump, loads into memory a memory dump
  • S single step, executes the emulator, with registers displayed
  • W without warranty warning
  • X or Q exits this program.


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