json expression parser evaluator online with Winfy
We have hosted the application json expression parser evaluator in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about json expression parser evaluator:
An Expression Parser and Evaluator result in JSON object. Written in Pascal. ??????????????????????JSON???????????????????????????????????JSFeatures:
- Value collection operation. eg: X in ( Null, 1, 2+3, Y-6)
- Mutil sentence divided by ;
- Set value of variable with : = eg: X : = Y + 1; Y : = X * Y
- IF statement. eg: IF(Name is null, 'No Name', 'Name is: '+Name)
- Boolean operators: AND OR XOR
- Math operators: + - * / \ %
- Bit operators: & | ^ ~
- Compare operators: = > < >= <= <>
- String Operators: + Len eg: Len('Hello'+#32+'World!')
- VarHelper can provide custom variable get/set.
- FuncHelper can provide custom function call.
- TraceOnLine will tirgger event at every sentence complete eval.
Audience: Developers.
Programming Language: Delphi/Kylix, Object Pascal.
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