inject header surfer x2 online with Winfy
We have hosted the application inject header surfer x2 in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about inject header surfer x2:
Inject Header Surfer XtreamIs one of tool used phreaker in manipulate the data packets.
in IHS you can :
- Connect to your own proxies
- Modify and replace response of header
- Costom Header and others
- Lock your Created Config ihs
Fitur Parameters.
IHS X2 bisa dijalankan menggunakan aplikasi lain dengan menggunakan parameters.
Parameters : <Dir IHS> <Config.ihs> <ListenPort>
Delphi : ShellExecute(Application.Handle,'open',PChar('IHS.exe'),PChar(config.ihs 8080),nil,SW_HIDE);
Visual Basic : Shell App.Path & "\IHS.exe" "config.ihs 8080", vbHide
Syarat : Config tidak boleh mengandung spasi dan huruf besar, saran gunakan a-z dan 0-9
IHS X2 Created by MhanRisandy
https: //
- Mampu mengubah Line, bug, dll tanpa harus menghentikan proses inject,
- Manual Line, dan bisa diubah ke 0 Line / tanpa Line.
- Selebihnya sudah ada Header, Replace dan Query
- Costom Header
- Costom AddHeader
- Mode Memo Payload
- Function Write
- Function Delay
- Creator Config
- Anti Sniff
- 22 Skins
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