gwt timeslider online with Winfy

We have hosted the application gwt timeslider in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about gwt timeslider:

With the GWT-TimeSlider you can start and stop or change the speed of a slider animation. It is build with standard GWT-Elements, so no extra libraries are needed.

The class creates a set of dates which are used for the time range of the slider. The starting point is the oldest date and the slider goes over all dates in between. To have a smooth animation of the TimeSlider, enough data is needed as steps in between.

A timer i called every 50 milliseconds and each call of the timer moves the slider handle one step further, which means that the size of the panels left and right of the handle changes.

The speed is configurable, and changes when the speed buttons are used. A number of ticks can be used to show certain dates below the slider animation.

The class shows how to use the TimeSlider.

Import the project as a GWT-project and run it with "run as -> Web Application". An Example-HTML-Page is shown.

Audience: Developers.
User interface: Web-based.
Programming Language: Java.


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