greenlet online with Winfy

We have hosted the application greenlet in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about greenlet:

Move an async function into its own thread. A simplified single-function version of workerize, offering the same performance as direct Worker usage. Greenlet only supports browser environments, since it uses Web Workers. For use in a NodeJS environment, Web Workers must be polyfilled using a library like node-webworker. Accepts an async function with, produces a copy of it that runs within a Web Worker. Never call greenlet() dynamically. Doing so creates a new Worker thread for every call. Since Greenlets can't rely on surrounding scope anyway, it's best to always create them at the "top" of your module. Greenlet is most effective when the work being done has relatively small inputs/outputs. One such example would be fetching a network resource when only a subset of the resulting information is needed. Greenlet will even accept and optimize transferables as arguments to and from a greenlet worker function.

  • Move an async function into its own thread
  • A simplified single-function version of workerize
  • Greenlet only supports browser environments
  • Web Workers must be polyfilled using a library like node-webworker
  • Greenlet is most effective when the work being done has relatively small inputs/outputs

Programming Language: JavaScript.


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