gps datalogger device control to run in linux online online with Winfy

We have hosted the application gps datalogger device control to run in linux online in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about gps datalogger device control to run in linux online:

i-Blue 747 / i-Blue 757 / Qstarz BT-Q1000 / i.Trek Z1 / Konet BGL-32 / Holux M-241 / . control SW (for Java Phones, PalmOS, WinCe (PPC), Java platforms, Windows, Linux, and MacOS). Compatible with most MTK GPS Chipset based loggers.

  • Download recorded position data from GPS Data Loggers based on the MTK chipset.
  • Convert GPS position data in many formats (HTML, GPX, KML, KMZ, .)
  • Workaround for GPS Week Rollover Bug for most Loggers
  • Geotag JPG pictures and position any other filetype on the map (voice, documents, .)
  • Configure MTK Chipset Based Devices and Loggers (including AGPS data)
  • Multiplatform - runs on most computers and devices
  • Integrated OpenStreetMap

Audience: Advanced End Users, End Users/Desktop.
User interface: Java Swing, Handheld/Mobile/PDA, Project is a remote control application.
Programming Language: Java.


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