gmata software for genomic ssr marker online with Winfy
We have hosted the application gmata software for genomic ssr marker in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about gmata software for genomic ssr marker:
What is software GMATA v21Genome-wide Microsatellite Analyzing Toward Application (GMATA) is a software for Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) analyses, and SSR marker designing and mapping in any DNA sequences. It has the following functions:
1. SSR mining;
2. Statistical analysis and plotting;
3. SSR loci graphic viewing;
4. Marker designing;
5. Electronic mapping and marker transferability investigation.
GMATA is accurate, sensitive and fast. It was designed to process large genomic sequence data sets, especially large whole genome sequences. In theory, genomes of any size can be analyzed by GMATA easily. Software GMATA works on sever, desktop or even laptop, and it can run in graphic interface with just clicks or run in command line or in automated pipeline. It is also cross-platform and supports Unix/Linux, Win and Mac. Results from software GMATA can be directly graphically displayed with genome or gene features in Gbrowser and easily integrated with any genomic database.
- Accurate and fastest SSR mining in any large sequences
- Complete statistical analysis and plotting
- SSR loci and marker graphic displaying in Gbrowser with genome features
- Specific SSR marker designing, and simulated PCR
- Electronic mapping, and marker transferability investigation
- also available at https: //
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