flashlight survival horror game to run in linux online online with Winfy

We have hosted the application flashlight survival horror game to run in linux online in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about flashlight survival horror game to run in linux online:

Flashlight is a First-Person Survival Horror freeware game inspired by Amnesia, Penumbra, SCP: Containment Breach. but mainly Slender.

You control Edward Thomas, a police officer who went off on his own, unprotected, to find his missing girlfriend. After receiving a letter in his mailbox, Edward went off to where the kidnapper was hiding. deep in a large, restricted forest near his home. What Edward discovers shortly is that the forest that he's going to was restricted for a very dark reason.

Move Around - "W, A, S, D"
Look Around - "Mouse"
Toggle Flashlight - "F"
Interact - "Left Mouse Button"
Pause - "Escape"


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