fastdom online with Winfy

We have hosted the application fastdom in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about fastdom:

Eliminates layout thrashing by batching DOM read/write operations (~600 bytes minified gzipped). FastDom works as a regulatory layer between your app/library and the DOM. By batching DOM access we avoid unnecessary document reflows and dramatically speed up layout performance. Each measure/mutate job is added to a corresponding measure/mutate queue. The queues are emptied (reads, then writes) at the turn of the next frame using window.requestAnimationFrame. FastDom aims to behave like a singleton across all modules in your app. When any module requires 'fastdom' they get the same instance back, meaning FastDom can harmonize DOM access app-wide. Potentially a third-party library could depend on FastDom, and better integrate within an app that itself uses it. It's very important that all DOM mutations or measurements go through fastdom to ensure good performance; to help you with this we wrote fastdom-strict.

  • The core fastdom library is designed to be as light as possible
  • Additional functionality can be bolted on in the form of 'extensions'
  • Fastdom ships with some extensions
  • FastDom is CommonJS and AMD compatible
  • Potentially a third-party library could depend on FastDom
  • FastDom aims to behave like a singleton across all modules in your app

Programming Language: JavaScript.


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