ermaster online with Winfy
We have hosted the application ermaster in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about ermaster:
ERMaster is Eclipse plug-in to make ER diagram. Functionally, Import from data base, Making of table definition book on Excel, Image output, DDL output, etc. are being offered.Features:
- 2014-12-14 [Bug Fix] for #108 In exporting excel, if height > width, the size of picture become 0.
- 2014-12-14 Change not to create backup file in exporting excel.
- 2014-12-12 [Bug Fix] for #110 N: N Relation in ERM GUI throws java.lang.NullPointerException
- 2014-12-09 [Bug Fix] for #101 Can not save font settings for category and properties.
- 2014-12-09 [Bug Fix] for #97 A wrong syntax for exporting DDL for SQLite3 databases
- 2014-11-23 [Bug Fix] for #107 Cascading Referential Integrity Constraints on MSSQL 2008
- 2014-11-23 [Bug Fix] for #105 For MySQL, the syntax of constraint name for unique key is incorrect in exported DDL.
- 2014-11-23 [Bug Fix] for #104 [MySql]DROP INDEX Syntax Error
- 2014-11-23 [Bug Fix] for #102 Incorrect CRLF of exported DDL.
- 2014-07-27 [Request] #103 Two type UNIQUEIDENTIFIER ROWGUIDCOL and VARBINARY(MAX) FILESTREAM was added for SQLServer2008.
- 2014-07-27 [Request] #101 Table whose name contains dot can be handled.
- 2014-07-27 [Request] #99 Export HTML site with images in the "Category summary" page.
- 2014-07-27 [Bug Fix] for #96 SQLServer has not "RESTRICT" rule for foreign key.
- 2014-07-16 [Request] #98 Add the validatation for empty length and decimal at column dialog.
- 2014-07-16 [Request] #97 Both of relative path and alsolute path can be used for exporting.
- 2014-07-16 [Request] #96 remember the path of html exporting.
- 2014-07-16 [Bug Fix] for #95 NullPointerException when Import from MySQL.
- 2014-07-16 [Bug Fix] for #94 Random sort order of exported ddl.
- 2014-04-06 [Bug Fix] Oracle DDL is missing blank line and slash between triggers.
- 2014-04-06 [Bug Fix] Column being duplicated in alternate index.
- 2014-04-06 [Bug Fix] In exported HTML reports, Add <pre> tag to prevent CR LF of description of columns from being reduced.
- 2014-04-06 [Bug Fix] For PostgreSQL. RESTART option at ALTER SEQUENCE is fixed from START which is wrong.
- 2013-12-15 Fix the bug when it imported from database, if a relation was selected on diagram, the exception occured.
- 2013-12-15 When it imported from database, firstly all columns infomation was read for cache, i fix it to read per schema. So irrelevant schema will not be read.
- 2013-12-15 It supports H2 database.
- 2013-12-01 Fix the bug that when a connection is selected the background color of the foreign key column and the reference key column does not change.
- 2013-12-01 Fix the bug that when a column specified in the index is removed from table, Nullpointer Exception occurs at exporting ddl or excel or etc.
- 2013-12-01 It becomes possible to set ''(empty string) to default value of a column.
- 2013-12-01 It supports zerofill type of MySQL.
- 2013-12-01 It becomes possible to set color to a connection.
- 2013-12-01 When you export ddl or excel and the specified directory to save doesn't exist, the confirm dialog will be open and the directory will be created.
- 2013-11-15 change the default setting of "Display by the capital letter" to off from on.
- 2013-11-15 Add "$TYE" keyword to Excel template. This keyword is replaced by the SQL type with embedded length and decimal.
- 2013-11-15 Fix the bug that exported Excel print SQL type without "unsigned" or "Array" or etc.
User interface: Eclipse.
Programming Language: Java.
Database Environment: Project is a database management tool.
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