dde biftool to run in linux online online with Winfy

We have hosted the application dde biftool to run in linux online in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about dde biftool to run in linux online:

DDE-BIFTOOL is a set of routines for performing numerical bifurcation analysis of delay-differential equations, running in Matlab or Octave[2]. It was originally created by Koen Engelborghs at KU Leuven (Belgium). [1]

Tutorial demo <http: //ddebiftool.sourceforge.net/demos/neuron/html/demo1_simple.html> shows the output of an illustrative demo.

<http: //ddebiftool.sourceforge.net> links to documentation, a list of contributors and current maintainers.

The original DDE-BIFTOOL webpage at KU Leuven [1] stores versions up to 3.0 and their documentation.

[1] <http: //twr.cs.kuleuven.be/research/software/delay/ddebiftool.shtml>
[2] <https: //www.gnu.org/software/octave>

Further tutorials (by M Bosschaert) at <https: //sites.google.com/a/uhasselt.be/maikel-bosschaert/home> (pdf files).

  • Bifurcation analysis for dynamical systems with delay
  • numerical continuation
  • normal form computation for bifurcations of equilibria

Audience: Science/Research.

Programming Language: MATLAB.


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