code quality and security for java online with Winfy

We have hosted the application code quality and security for java in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about code quality and security for java:

Hundreds of unique rules to find Java bugs, code smells & vulnerabilities. Sonar static analysis helps you build and maintain high-quality Java code. Covering popular build systems, standards and versions, Sonar elevates your coding game while keeping vulnerabilities at bay. With each Java version, we create dedicated rules so you learn shiny, new features and avoid pitfalls. Consistently find tricky, hard-to-spot issues in your regular expressions. Allow you to effortlessly repair your Java coding issues with just a click. Dozens of rules to ensure your tests are always as clean as your code! Dedicated rules to detect vulnerabilities including ones stemming from OWASP & CWE Top 25 guidelines. It all comes from a powerful analysis engine that we constantly refine. Sonar employs advanced rules along with smart, exclusive analysis techniques to find the trickiest, most elusive issues.

  • Java analysis and bytecode
  • Language-specific properties
  • 600+ rules (including 150+ bug detection rules and 350+ code smells)
  • Metrics (cognitive complexity, number of lines etc.)
  • Import of test coverage reports
  • Custom rules

Programming Language: Java.
Static Code Analysis

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