angie to run in linux online online with Winfy

We have hosted the application angie to run in linux online in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about angie to run in linux online:

An AIML based chat bot building on the original Alice AIML 1.0.1 set produced by Dr. Wallace and the ALICE AI Foundation and the PyAIML code base written by Cort Stratton, the ANGie project incorporates additional AIML sets, adds its own AIML to the set, adds new AIML tags and additional code to provide more dynamic responses and more logical case-based-reasoning.

Reading through most AIML sets it seems like the authors' intention was to have a response to every input that a bot has ever seen. The ANGie project strives to have intelligent and sensible responses, but to allow the bot to have no response when the meaning of the input is inconclusive, when additional context would be required to properly respond, or in general for questions for which the bot is unprepared - in order to create a bot that is capable of carrying on basic conversations with a human similar to the sort of small talk that two humans might have.

Requires PyAIMLng, PyGOAPng, and aimlGOAP.

Audience: Advanced End Users.
User interface: Console/Terminal.
Programming Language: Python.


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