androidlogger online with Winfy
We have hosted the application androidlogger in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about androidlogger:
[NOTE]Compatible with Notepad++ 6.5 later version.
?The Source Opened, expect your attendance!?
1. Push AndroidLogger.dll under "plugins\" directory of Notepad++
2. Push AndroidLogger.xml under "plugins\Config\" directory of Notepad++
1. Support lexer fot App & Radio Log, and cutomizable
2. Support capture log from device!
3. Support shell cmd on device.
->The shell cmd line must start with '>' and at the top of doc.
->The line with '#' is comment.
->Empty line is permitted.
->Freely use logcat, top & grep, tcpdump.
4. Support capture device screenshot, now just save at d: \device.bmp
5. Support Filer, your device not need insatll anything!
6. monkey support! (not stablity!)
- Android log lexer, highlight the log lines.
- Catching log from Android device.
- Executing shell cmd on device.
- Capture screenshot of device.
- Log lexer color custmiziable.
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