2d structural analysis to run in linux online online with Winfy
We have hosted the application 2d structural analysis to run in linux online in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.
Quick description about 2d structural analysis to run in linux online:
2D Structural Analysis in Python by Ritchie VinkA collection examples of 2D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) made with Jupyter Notebook Lab - https: //jupyter.org/
To install Jupyter - https: //jupyter.org/install
Web App is available on Chrome Web Store -> https: //bit.ly/2NHSE35
- trusses, beams, moments lines
- axial force lines, shear force lines
- displacement lines
- hinged supports, fixed supports, hinged elements
- spring supports, rotational springs
- q-load in elements direction, point loads in global x, y directions on nodes, dead load, q-loads in global y direction, load cases and load combinations
- non-linear nodes
- geometrical non linearity
- generic type of section - rectangle and circle
- EU, US, UK steel section database
Audience: Science/Research, Education, Engineering.
Programming Language: Python.
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