goodbyecatpcha online with Winfy

We have hosted the application goodbyecatpcha in order to run this application in our online workstations with Wine or directly.

Quick description about goodbyecatpcha:

An async Python library to automate solving ReCAPTCHA v2 by images/audio using Mozilla's DeepSpeech, PocketSphinx, Microsoft Azure’s, Google Speech and Amazon's Transcribe Speech-to-Text API. Also image recognition to detect the object suggested in the captcha. Built with Pyppeteer for Chrome automation framework and similarities to Puppeteer, PyDub for easily converting MP3 files into WAV, aiohttp for async minimalistic web-server, and Python’s built-in AsyncIO for convenience.

  • solver recaptcha v2
  • asynchronized Python library
  • solving by images or audio
  • bypass captcha google
  • free bypass captcha

Audience: Developers.
User interface: Non-interactive (Daemon).
Programming Language: Python.
Libraries, Research, Image Recognition

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